stories and images of outer Cape Cod
CLICK HERE to read “A Dickens of a Dream”, a play I wrote in 2008, addressing the subject of protecting historic structures, and employing the theme of Charles Dickens’ 1843 classic, “A Christmas Carol”.

CLICK HERE to read "C-Scape & Tasha", my February 2007 pictorial about my first residency at C-Scape, the westernmost dune shack, for a week in autumn, and my first stay at Tasha, once the tiny home of Harry Kemp, on a balmy January weekend!

CLICK HERE to read "Return to C-Scape", my May 2007 pictorial about my return to "Jean's" as a maintenance man for the Provincetown Community Compact, on the heels of an April nor'easter!

CLICK HERE to read “Harry’s Jar”, a poem I wrote for my 2010 Provincetown exhibit, honoring Harry Kemp, on the 50th anniversary of his death.

 CLICK HERE to see my gallery talk, at the Salt Pond Visitors Center, in Eastham, March 2014, discussing the exhibit of my "Outermost House Series", inspired by Henry Beston. JOINED IN-PROGRESS.

No part of these stories may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
 (including, but not limited to electronic, mechanical, magnetic or photographic, including photocopying)
 or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from The Dune Tramp.

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